Just before noon on Thursday(10/31), Mahopac Falls Fire, EMS and Fire Police were dispatched to the intersection of Baldwin Place Rd. and Stillwater Rd. for a car into a pole. First arriving Fire Police had traffic under control, making it safer for incoming apparatus and multiple Carmel Police units. First to arrive was Mahopac Falls ambulance 19-7-1, followed by EMStar paramedics along with Carmel Police. After a quick inspection by a NYSE&G foreman, a NYSEG response truck was on location in minutes. As EMT's and paramedics triage the driver of the vehicle, a flatbed was on the scene began to remove the car. The driver who had minor injury, refused medial treatment/transport. Having a good working relationship with the police, NYSE&G, EMStar and the tow companies in our town, makes the job that we do, so much easier...and we thank them for it.
The scene upon arrival
Mahopac Falls ambulance arrives on location
Fire Police take direction from CPD Sgt. Smith
Paramedics arrive on the scene
Friends of the FD that make our jobs easier....the tow from Stillwater Auto and the emergency crew from NYSE&G to stabilize the power pole, always glad to see them